As the Soviet Union fell to the Germans, the US was entangled in its war against Japan and its Empire, the US took the opportunity to invaded the Russian Far East.
Proclaiming the Russian Republic ( Overwise k) centered in Vladivostok, the new Republic sees itself as a continuation of the Russian Republic that fell to the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution in 1917. To cement that view, US forces installed the 1917 Minister-President Alexander Kerensky as the Interim President of the new Republic.
President Kerensky and the legislative branch, the Duma, worked since then to bring about a free and democratic Russia. But in late 1951, the Russian Fascist Party (RFP) bombed the Duma killing the President and other officials. The PM at the time could not control the situation so Chief of Staff Anatoly Rogozhin stepped in and installed a junta, the pat aut Russian Military Council (RVS). It is here that Russia finds itself on New Year’s Day, 1952…
Opening of the Duma[]
Rogozhin must deal with the protests plaguing the nation upset with his junta and the institution of martial law. To help quell them he goes after what he sees are roots behind the discontent, the extremists and terrorists known Communists (the disease of the heart), and Fascists (the disease of the skin). Once settled he will give a speech at the Duma building that was recently rebuilt after the terrorist attack.
Many expected the President to resign, having resolved the issue of political extremism, and to call elections to a new session of the Duma so Russia can get back on the track of democracy. People were shocked when he announced the opposite: elections will be delayed until internal matters are settled. Putting any pre-speech protests to sham, more people will rise up even angrier than before. Rogozhin has a big decision to make, bend to the people and resign, restore ‘democracy’ on his terms by resigning in favor of a trusted ally, or maintain the junta.
Trust in Rogozhin[]
Rogozhin Steps Down[]
Rogozhin might have ended democracy in the short run, but in the long run it was to save Russia… to save the Republic. To facilitate this, he will restore democracy in the form of his resignation and announcement that Ivan Mikhailov will become the new Interim President and will hold elections shortly.
Though elections are held, they are anything but free and fair. From intimidations to destruction of votes to the arrest of opposition members, Mikhailov’s party, the moderate faction of the National Alliance of Russian Solidarists will come out victorious with almost 90% of the vote (the rest of the vote was given to remaining opposition so as to appear democratic).
Front and center to Mikhailov’s government is his economic policy of Ivanomika. This economic theory stresses rapid development and modernization with the balance of a happy populace. The government office put in charge of realizing Ivanomika is the Office of Modernization and Development, with an annual budget of eight billion rubles.
The implementation is accomplished through decisions, with more becoming available as both Russia expands west and advances into a developing nation. (The decision shown in the image are not the starting ones but all available once all former Soviet lands have been reunited)
As you can see from the image there are countless decisions with countless events, so only a handful are shown. Mikhailov has the chance to give autonomy to a great number of peoples throughout Russia: in Central Asia, the Caucuses, and in Crimea.
Rogozhin Stays[]
If Rogozhin thought the best thing to do was to maintain the junta, the instability it is bringing on Russia will cause a run on the banks which will lead to an economic crash. Rogozhin won’t have to worry about solving this crisis as he will be assassinated at the Duma by a protestor. Fearing even greater instability, the US Garrison Force in Vladivostok will step in and form the Toronto Accord Transitional Government to guarantee Russia does not fall to anarchy or extremism. Commander Randolph Pate will not stay in power long as he quickly brings pace and some stability to the country before holding emergency elections. Two relatively unknown candidates will be put forward. Elections will repeat twice more in a little more than five years each.
- The Europeanist, Grigory Pomerants, of the liberal Russian Revival Party.
- He will create the European Union faction
- The Christian Democrat, Boris Pasternak, of the conservative Second Birth Party.
- He will either create the Moscow Pact and invite non-Nat Soc/Fascist Nordic countries to join, or ask to join the TA
A Russian Cincinnatus[]
Rogozhin, taking a que from the Roman Cincinnatus, can decide he has done enough to save Russia and move to a return to democracy sooner than later. He will resign due to ‘poor health’ while making plans to hold long awaited elections. The Duma mechanic will become available, but all the seats will remain unfilled until the completion of the election. The election season will consist of eight foci, each dealing with an election topic. Each option will give one of three parties an increase in popularity (and one event’s option two parties). At the end of the focus tree, the winner will be decided based on party popularity. When calculated, if one party has a majority of seats (the Duma starts off at 50 seats so 26 is needed), it will be declared the winner and its chosen candidate will become President. (Independent seats are seats from parties who are not Con, Lib, Soc Dem, or Soc.)
There are three main parties who will participate in the election:
- The conservative Octobrists (officially the Union on October 17) led by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
- He will create the Moscow Pact alliance, and has the option to work with the Chinese government to settle claims over Mongolia and Tana Tuva.
- The liberal Constitutional-Democratic Party (abbreviated from Russian as K-D, and nicknamed the Kadets) led by Vladimir Nabokov.
- He will ask to join the TA.
- The social democrat Socialist-Revolutionary Party (The SRs) led by Pitirim Sorokin.
The Duma will be expanded as Russia retakes old Soviet lands and reintegrates them, and can bring the total seats up to 414. From the date of the election, another will take place in just over five years, and whichever party has the highest Duma seats will be declared the winner.
If no party made it to the magic number of 26 seats, a coalition must be formed by one of the parties to get to 26 seats. Clicking on the leader portraits will show which party is willing to work with the one in question. The Octobrists will only work with the Kadets, while the Kadets will work with anyone. (The Left SRs will always be a junior partner to the SRs and can not form their own government.) When a working coalition is established, confirming it will see the chosen party become the ruling party.
After a government is formed, the party will have (by focus) the ability to put a bill before the Duma. Any bill be not be well received by a majority of the Suma, including in the government’s party/parties. The government has 35 days to get the bill passed, and does so through Interaction Points. The Points are used to sway members of the government (using five points), independents (using 10 points), and opposition (using 15 points). Amendments can be inserted which, while diluting the original intent, will sway opposition members at much lower Points cost. Passing the bill will grant its effects as a national spirit, and will increase the ruling party popularity, while failing to pass will see the ruling party loose popularity.