An American-backed, the Russian Republic is nominally democratic republic established following the collapse of Soviet authority in the Far East. Formerly headed by President Alexander Kerensky who did everything he could to turn the Russian Republic into a democratic nation. Kerensky was assassinated by the Russian Fascist Party in 1951 when the Duma was bombed.
Causing the Republic's military to take over the country's leadership. Despite being supposedly a democratic republic, Anatoly Rogozhin and the Russian Military Council has been ruling the country as a military dictatorship following the death of President Alexander Kerensky in 1951 Rogozhin's rule is tenuous and deeply unpopular as a pro-democracy movement grows in popularity in the Russian Republic demanding that Kerensky popular reforms of democracy return.
The Russian Republic's entire army general staff are veterans of the first Russian Civil War and were officers in the original White Army. Some Soviet Generals and admirals stationed in the far east defected to them however
The Russian Republic does not have control over its inland Siberian territories (represented by the fact that it doesn't have cores over many of its Siberian provinces), a situation that has been nicknamed the "Siberian War".
In Game Paths[]
For a full collection of in-game paths, see the Paths Page.